By Dismas Nuwaine

Kampala University ladies basketball team thrashed a frail Makerere University side 67 to 51 points in yesterday’s exhalating encounter. The 16-point gap between the two teams is testimony to Kampala University’s confidence.

This game marks the second successive loss the Wandegeya based side has faced in the women’s basketball games. They suffered a hammering at the hand of UCU in the afternoon hours of yesterday with a staggering difference of 65 points.

Makerere Surprised KU with a surprise win in the first quarter by a minimal difference of just 2 points on a score of 13 to 11 points.

Kampala University bounced back in the second quarter scoring an impressive 18 points back to back making the total points to 29 against Makerere’s 20 points.

Kampala University never looked back and continued garnering more points in the third and fourth quarters with a total score of 67 points.

This impressive victory leaves the KU side strongly poised in the group. Makerere finds itself on the other side on the coin. The two successive losses leave the oldest institution in the competition handing on a thin line.

Bugema triumphs against Kyambogo.

Bugema University Garnered 82 points to Kyambogo’s 62 points in the mouthwatering clash of titans in the men’s basketball edition.

Bugema led the game from minute one and held on to register 23 points to kyambogo’s 10 in the first quarter leaving a difference of 13 points.

In the second quarter, the Banda-based side came with a strong resolve but found an equally motivated Bugema side ready to increase their lead. The Kiwenda based side added another 12 points to make it 35 points.

At the end of the final quarter, Bugema confirmed its win with a margin of a staggering 20 points against a visibly shaken Kyambogo outfit.