By Dismas Nuwaine

The long awaited Inter University games are beginning to take shape here at Uganda Christian University. A total of 13 universities have already queued their way into the registration books.

Today, each team arrived adorned in their signature attire, with each piece meticulously chosen to create a harmonious look. A noticeable air of certainty was visibly put on the faces of all the arrivals, this showing how much these ball games mean to the teams.

After a brief security check, the teams were showed to the respective stationing rooms. Holding tight to their luggage and gazing about UCU’s fine furnishings, they were led by a team of specially selected attaches.

The Inter University games are organized by the by the Association of Uganda University Sports (AUUS). These games will include 16 disciplines and are expected to attract over 1,500 athletes. The games will run from today, December 16th to the 21st.

“We thank God that we reached UCU safely. I am greatly pleased with the environment and the university courts. They are especially nice,” Said, Mutesi Nassim, a Student at Victoria University who captains the netball team.

Speaking of expectations, Isaac Byaruhanga of Makerere University is extremely confident that his side, which also doubles as the oldest University in the whole of Uganda will easily power through the games.

“We have been preparing from day one and we know we are and what we have to achieve,” said Isaac. “I will especially have pity on whoever crosses our path because they will not like it,” continued Isaac.

The Vice Chancellor UCU, prof Aaron Mushengezi spoke of his excitement to host the Inter University games and

“We are very excited, if you would measure our temperatures they are very high. Its our Joy as UCU to partner with (AUUS) as we host the about 2000 delegates from across the universities in Uganda,” Said Mushegenzi. “Be excited, team UCU lets go for the win. Gold is ours and we must show that we are a sports power house,” continued the Vice Chancellor.

UCU became the surprise package to host this tournament after Makerere University turned down the offer due to scheduling disparities. This only provided an opportunity that UCU pounced upon.

“Originally the games were supposed to be played at Makerere University but the calendar there hardly allows it since students will be doing their examinations. So we had to look for a dangerous substitute and here we are at UCU,” said Peninah Kabenge who is the president of the Association of Uganda University Sports (AUUS).

UCU, which boosts of a rich sporting culture was largely unphased by this short notice and bravely took on the mantle to organize this hefty Inter- university competition.

“It’s our joy to partner with AUUS to organize the 19th edition of the Inter-University Games 2023. We want to take this opportunity to welcome all sportsmen and women across all universities to be part of the momentous occasion in December,” Said the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushegenzi.

Within a few days, the Mukono based university brought together multiple experts who in a few weeks managed to engineer enough potential for the tournament to take shape.

It is the third time UCU will be hosting a University tournament after being home to the East Africa University games in 2007 and 2013.

In the previous edition, the Mukono-based side finished third behind Ndejje University and Makerere University who were first and second respectively.

Now that the competition is being hosted on home turf, much more will be expected from the mighty UCU.






Variants of football have been codified for reduced-sized teams (i.e. five-a-side football) play in non-field environments (i.e. beach soccer, indoor soccer, and futsal) and for teams with disabilities (i.e. paralympic association football).

Variants of football have been codified for reduced-sized teams (i.e. five-a-side football) play in non-field environments (i.e. beach soccer, indoor soccer, and futsal) and for teams with disabilities (i.e. paralympic association football).

Variants of football have been codified for reduced-sized teams (i.e. five-a-side football) play in non-field environments (i.e. beach soccer, indoor soccer, and futsal) and for teams with disabilities (i.e. paralympic association football).

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